Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Metal & Engineering Industries Bargaining Council Sick Pay Fund

To access the benefits, contributions for 13 consecutive weeks must have been made to the fund.
Sick Pay Benefit - Injury Off Duty

Subject to the Bargaining Council Main Agreement, a member is entitled to sick-pay benefits for each completed day of absence from work through illness or injury that is in excess of the paid sick leave due by the employer.

Sick-pay benefits are payable at a rate of 50% of the weekly earnings of a member for each completed week of absence from work (up to a maximum of 30 weeks). Where a member's absence from work does not comprise of a complete week, sick-pay benefits are calculated pro-rata for each complete day of absence

The supporting information should clearly specify whether or not the injury was or was not related to the members' occupation. E.g. the member is a driver and is injured due to a car accident.

The application form is to be completed by the member, employer and the members' doctor.

Sick Pay Benefit - Injury On Duty

A member who is absent from work due to an ailment falling within the provisions of COIDA*, will be entitled to a special sick-pay leave of up to a maximum of three working days for each period of absence. Provided that a Doctor books him off for less than 14 calendar days. If the member is booked off for 14 calendar days or more, then a full claim should be made in respect of Workman's Compensation not Sick Pay Benefits.

An application form is to be completed by the member, employer and the members' doctor and submitted within 3 days of the injury occurring.

Compassionate Leave

An employee shall be entitled to a maximum of three (3) working days a year and shall receive full payment at his normal rate of pay. This will be subject to reasonable proof being provided to the employer.

Pregnancy/Confinement Benefits

Benefits shall be paid to female members in respect of absence from work on unpaid leave or termination of employment due to pregnancy or confinement, if the female member has one or more years of contributory service. The following benefits shall be payable:

For each completed week of absence from work, benefits of up to a maximum of 26 weeks shall be paid. In the case of stillborn confinement, a female member will receive benefits up to a maximum of 12 weeks, provided she has this due to her from her allocated 30 weeks of sick benefits. The rate of pay in all cases will be at full pay (as at the start of the period of absence).

Adoption of Children under 2 years of age

Benefits as paid to female members in respect of absence from work on unpaid leave or termination of employment due to the adoption of a child under the age of 2, at full wages up to a maximum of 26 weeks.

An application form is to be completed by the employer, member and the Doctor.

Note: Once the baby is born or adopted, the Fund requires a certified copy of the babies' birth certificate. If for any reason, the surname of the child differs to that of its' mother, the Fund will require a written explanation for the difference. In the case of stillbirth, a certified copy of the death certificate is required.

Funeral Benefits

In case of death of a member, a funeral benefit of R5 000 shall be payable to the surviving spouse. However, the Management Committee may use its discretion and may consider paying the benefits to a person they believe is entitled to receive the money.

This benefit is not payable in instances of death as a result of injury on duty.

The following documentation is required:
  • An application form 
  • Certificate of Service
  • Certified copy of the claimants' ID document 
  • Marriage Certificate or Customary Union Certificate
  • If the beneficiary is not the surviving spouse, the copy of the funeral account and receipt is required in the name of the claimant
For more details go through the Rules of the fund available on this website.